No other work to date has provided such a global vision of the Way as the ‘route of routes’ that it is, going deeply into all the aspects of this and, above all, dealing with all the routes. ‘The big work of the Ways to Santiago. Iter Stellarum’ fills this gap. Beyond religious and human sides, landscape and artistic elements, as well as the contact itself with people and costumes, have turned this old route into a cultural way, into a spirituality way towards Galicia´s heart and, therefore, into a great touristic value. Each way offers a different universe with only changing the origin point: beginning the French Way in Roncesvalles has little to do with starting from the Seville Cathedral to go to Santiago along the possibly second great way of pilgrimage to Compostela: the Silver Way;or with travelling around Portugal from the South to the North, either along the coast or via inland. And what about those ones crossing through Cantabria and the Basque Country following the North Way, so hard and beautiful at the same time?;Or the ones who used the Primitive Way to visit the Saviour in the Oviedo Cathedral?
- Titulo: Portuguese way in Galicia
- Autor: VV.AA.
- Idioma: Inglês
- Ano de edição: 2008