A seemingly random coincidence has launched humanity down a path to total destruction. The only hope for survival of the human race lies with a distrustful, demon-fighting drifter, working as a strip club bartender, who has no desire to follow her destiny and be the heroine everyone expects her to be. At the insistence of her loyal brother Dan and his best friend Eddie, Alexis reluctantly joins forces with an ancient network of protectors and an Archangel host to end the apocalypse before it’s too late. The evil working against them is growing in its intensity, planning and execution, leading the unlikely team into a fight for which they are woefully underprepared. With Lucifer’s deadline fast approaching, Alexis’ discovery of her closest allies’ darkest secrets threatens to tear her world apart, plunging humanity into a living hell on earth.
- Titulo: Divinity
- Autor: Kaye Anders
- Idioma: Inglês
- Ano de edição: 2017
- Assunto: