Cathy Logue is delighted to be out of boarding school, away from nuns, and heading to college in Dublin. She is delighted to be escaping her unhappy home life too. Cathy soon moves into a flat with two other boarding school survivors, and although the flat is a dive, the girls are determined to make the best of it. The troubles in Northern Ireland are at their height but Dublin seems oblivious as it moves slowly out of the hippy era, seducing Cathy with its bohemian village atmosphere. The girls are fascinated by Rosie, who lives in the flat above them and who takes Cathy on a hilarious but shocking journey that ends in hurt and disappointment. Humorous, yet poignant, College Girls is a coming of age story, telling a tale of longing, betrayal but ultimately, survival.
- Titulo: College Girls
- Autor: Caitriona Coyle
- Idioma: Inglês
- Ano de edição: 2017
- Assunto: